Autocad's® native file format. Many other CADD programs,
including Draftsight, also use .DWG as their default format, and
most others can import and export a .DWG file.
Drawing eXchange
Format. A file format designed to
facilitate the transport of drawings from one CADD platform to
another. All professional-level CADD programs can import and export .DXF
See "Symbol"
"Computer Aided Drafting
(or Drawing) and Design". The software
used to generate technical drawings, including those used in
theatrical design.
A drawing tool which limits drawing elements to angles or virtual points.
See "Snap" and "Ortho".
An object which fills a defined area with a solid color or, less
frequently, a color gradient.
A pattern of dots or lines covering the entire display area. Most CADD
programs allow the user to customize the size and color of the grid.
A collection of different entities which can be manipulated as if
they were a single object.
An object which fills a defined area with a repeating pattern of
A virtual sheet of tracing paper. A single CADD drawing might
contain multiple layers, each of which can be locked, hidden,
color-coded, or otherwise maniputed en bloc.
Ortho ("Orthagonal") mode is a constraint limiting all drawing to
90°, 180°, and 270° angles. Many CADD programs allow other, intermediate
ortho angles.
Radial Copy:
An editing command which creates multiple copies of objects
around a centerpoint for a given angle. In Draftsight, this is done
with the "Pattern" command.
A drawing constraint which forces all points to fall to specific points
on the grid (in the case of "snap to grid"), or
to specific points relative to one or more entities. Commonly-used
"snaps" include snapping to the intersection of two objects or to
the end point or midpoint of a line.
Referred to by some CADD Programs as "Block". A combination of lines,
arcs, circles, and other entities saved as a single unit for repeated
use, usually in multiple drawings. The icons used to represent stage
lighting fixtures are usually saved as symbols.